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How to Choose the Right Home Automation Equipment

October 23, 20202 min read

Smart Home Upgrade: Choosing the Right Equipment for Your Needs

As a homeowner, knowing how to choose the right home automation equipment to meet your needs is an important aspect of diving into the home automation process.

Whether you’re looking for an audio visual upgrade or simply looking to add more comforts and conveniences to your life, being able to choose the right equipment is an important part of the process.

Here are some of the items you need to think about:

Distributed Audio: Are you wanting to have the ability to listen to music, podcasts, news or other audio throughout the house? How about in your outdoor living spaces?

Distributed Video: Would you like to be able to record shows and watch them on any tv? How about use one control to work any television in the house?

Home Theater: Are you looking to take your social distancing to a new level and create your own movie theater (complete with popcorn machine??) so you can enjoy movie time with your family in the comfort and safety of your home?

Security Systems: More than just alerting the police in the event of a break in, are you looking for surveillance and recording so they can catch the right person? How about something that can turn lights off and on while you are away so it always looks like someone is home to deter those would be burglars?

Lighting Controls: Would it be great if you could unlock your front door before you get out of the car with those bags of groceries and the house automatically turned the lights on for you? How about raising the blinds for you in the morning when your alarm goes off?

Water Control Systems: If you’ve ever had a water leak, you know the importance of being able to shut off the water. What if your smart home was smart enough to be able to detect leaks and turn off the water automatically while you’re gone? Say goodbye to huge insurance claims…

Internet Controls: With all of the social distancing and people working from home, what if your internet could automatically prioritize you so that you don’t have to fight the family for bandwidth when you’re working from home? These are just a few ideas of what you can do with true home automation. The limits are only your imagination.

The video below gives you some more insight into making the right home automation choices and what you need to think about.

Home automation equipmentSmart home devicesDistributed audio/videoHome security systemsLighting controlInternet controlSmart home technology
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